Using Negativity as Motivation

Using Negativity as Motivation

The road we journey on called life, is not a straight shot. There will be twists, turns, and bumps in the road. In life, we will always come across challenges. However, we must not let those challenges cause us to become discouraged and stop us from fulfilling our true purpose. You may have heard the phrase, … Read more

Pursuing Width Over Depth

Pursuing Width Over Depth

Conventional wisdom and common sense generally prescribe skillset mastery and specialization as crucial prerequisites to successful, impactful, and rewarding career outcomes. Although intuitive, this emphasis on expertise might not be necessary in the rapidly changing, technology-driven environment we find ourselves in. Specific careers like those in legal, medical, and academic settings require a high level of specialization, … Read more

The Adaptable Spirit of Gen Z

The Adaptable Spirit of Gen Z

Emerging Gen Z professionals are often criticized in the workplace for having unrealistic expectations at work and lacking a strong work ethic. These stereotypes are disproportionately attributed to young professionals, who are seen as less focused and serious than the generations that came before them. As a Gen Z member, I’d like to challenge these … Read more

Unity In Diversity

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The definition of unity is “the state of being united or joined as a whole.” That bond can never be broken when something or a group of people are in unity, even when there are forces that try to come against it that do not want to see it prosper. I have witnessed and been … Read more

Finding a Personal Code of Ethics as an Emerging PR Professional

Finding a Personal Code of Ethics as an Emerging PR Professional

Many workplaces and professions have a code of ethics to guide professionals in ethical decision-making. For example, the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) has a Code of Ethics for its members. This code includes values and provisions of conduct. Codes such as this benefit professionals and the profession because they hold practitioners accountable for … Read more

The Post-Graduation Dilemma

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I’m sure every student at a point in their college career asks themselves the same question. What will I do after college? I have personally asked myself this question hundreds of times. College is often portrayed as the most important key to a successful life, leading you straight to the perfect job that will fix … Read more

Leverage Your Curiosity

Leverage Your Curiosity

Curiosity is critical for developing an idea-generating mind. It helps you achieve greater results and feel prouder about yourself. It’s a trait all professionals need to lead effectively and, when used to your benefit, can help you succeed every day.  How do you develop and focus your curiosity? During the latest trip to Los Angeles, … Read more

Eataly Diaries: International Tastes, Local Tales

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Being a near-native of LA, it was almost a rite of passage to visit Eataly, a culinary gem tucked away along the famed Santa Monica Boulevard. Despite its proximity, I had never stepped foot in this bustling Italian marketplace until I was led there alongside the delightful company of my fellow NMGZ Community members. They … Read more

Voices heard in America

Voices heard in America

Picture yourself stepping off a plane that has just touched down from Prague, your eyes brimming with anticipation in the bustling LAX terminal for an immersive experience of American culture. What greets you is a cultural shift that is as unexpected as it is delightful, leaving you in a state of pleasant bewilderment in the … Read more