Cleveland: A City that Embraces You

Cleveland: A City that Embraces You

The question of why a person would always come back to Cleveland was posed during our NMGZ trip, and the responses from my peers, who hailed from different states and people who had left Cleveland, surprised me. The predominant answers revolved around the city feeling like home, its welcoming environment, affordable cost of living, delightful … Read more

First Generation: Not so Common Knowledge

First Generation: Not so Common Knowledge

As a first-generation college graduate, I saw the struggles one has to go through to achieve their goals. Not all knowledge is common, and this was made evident when starting my college career. While on the Cleveland trip with the NMGZ community, we spoke to an array of amazing individuals, but the one that stood … Read more

The Role of Public Relations in Orchestrating the Success of Red Carpet Event

The Role of Public Relations in Orchestrating the Success of Red Carpet Event

As a journalism graduate with a passion for public relations, I know firsthand the exhilarating chaos that accompanies the planning of red-carpet events. Behind the scenes is a crucial player orchestrating the success of these star-studded occasions in the glamorous world of red-carpet events: public relations. Often overlooked, PR is an essential aspect of event … Read more

Reflecting on a Year Post-Graduation

Reflecting on a Year Post-Graduation

“So what comes next?” This question, or a variation of it, is a constant motif which plays in the ear of any upcoming university graduate, especially first-generation college students or those who come from communities of color where the pressure, the weight of expectation, is greater. When asked this question a year ago, I would … Read more

To Make Our Mark

To Make Our Mark

One can easily feel pessimistic and apathetic about the state of the world., And ,,it‘s easy to feel powerless in a world that overlooks or underestimates you. Pulling into Union Station in D.C., I felt unsure about the value of my perspective and uncertain about my commitment to participate in the following days’ events with … Read more

A Plane Ticket To Find Your Why

A Plane Ticket To Find Your Why

New Beginnings In November, I was able to represent Penn State University as a member of the NMGZ Community and be a part of the Los Angeles trip. Being a new member, there were a ton of first moments for me that came with this experience, as well as many wonderful opportunities to learn from … Read more

Forgetting Something?

Forgetting Something?

Have you ever attended a party that someone hosted for you or someone close to you, and you did not recognize anyone at the party? You almost have to confirm this is YOUR party because everyone is a stranger! The party could be fun, the food could be delicious, and the music could be good, … Read more

Out of My Comfort Zone

Out of My Comfort Zone

It was an early morning, around 3:30 a.m. when my alarm woke me up. That day was the day I would be traveling to Washington, D.C. I was excited to go to a new place and nervous about missing my flight. Around 5 a.m., My friend dropped me off at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. At … Read more

How to Hit a Creative Dead End

During my NMGZ trip to Austin, we were introduced to a captivating speaker, Mark Heaps, who helped us dissect the essence of personal branding. I enjoy making art in my free time and consider myself creative. But one part of my brand I’ve had trouble with marketing is my creative abilities as a business professional. … Read more